Our Services


Home Physical Therapy

  • Evaluation and treatment of current musculoskeletal dysfunctions which are leading to pain and/or difficulties with activities of daily living (ADLs).

  • Goal is to resolve symptoms and restore function as quickly as possible (with the fewest possible treatments) and to give the patients the tools they need to individually maintain proper function and prevent relapse.  A home exercise program for the patient to continue with independently is vital here.

  • Patient education is important to teach each individual how to better take care of themselves to maintain normal daily function.

  • Treatment consists of initial evaluation, manual (hands on) therapy, exercises to resolve impairments, patient education, and a home exercise program to prevent relapse.

Annual Physical Therapy Physical

  • Many small impairments in our muscles and joints (decreased motion or strength) can lead to pain and future dysfunction. Many limitations in daily function can be prevented if impairments are identified early and resolved before a larger problem develops.

  • This program consists of a full-body evaluation, assessing joint motion, muscle strength, gait(walking) pattern, functional movement analysis, and a comprehensive balance/fall risk assessment if needed.

  • All impairments found will be addressed and can be resolved through additional sessions or a comprehensive home exercise program that addresses the individual’s specific limitations.

  • Prevention is the main goal of this program. It is designed to address limitations that can and will lead to future dysfunction and resolve them to help each individual maintain their highest level of daily function.

Body Maintenance

  • Our body is complex machine, and like most machines it needs regular maintenance.

  • This program is designed to assess the entire body on a periodic basis, to identify impairments and limitations that are interfering with normal function and can lead to future dysfunction.

  • Maintenance of proper function and prevention of future dysfunction is key in this program.

  • Frequency of sessions depends on the individual. It can be weekly, monthly, quarterly, or even annually.

  • This program will include a significant amount of manual/hands on therapy and patient education to ensure long-term body maintenance.

Sports Performance

  • This program focuses on two specific scenarios related to athletes and their performance in their specific sports.

  • Scenario one is treating sport-specific injuries with a goal of full return to sport. Injuries in sports are common, and proper rehab is needed to get back on the court or field as soon as possible.

  • Scenario two relates to athletes who are noticing a decrease in their normal sport performance. Decreased joint mobility and range of motion, decreased muscle strength, and abnormal movement patterns can all lead to decreased performance in all sports.

  • This program is excellent for injured athletes wanting to get back to their sport as soon as possible and athletes who aren’t injured but wish to maximize their sport performance.

  • A comprehensive evaluation is needed to treat specific injuries and identity limitation leading to decreased performance.

  • Helps athletes who play both team and individual sports.