Physical Therapy, Body Maintenance, Functional Training and Sports Performance.

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Serving San Diego North County


About Dr. Craig Rice, DPT

By the time I entered college, I realized that I wanted to have a career that focused on helping others. As a Physical Education major at San Diego State University, I was exposed to multiple science classes that focused on the human body. It was my desire to intimately understand how the human body worked. This combined with my wish to help others led me to Physical Therapy as a career.

About Dr. Craig Rice, DPT >>

Our Philosophy

After 20 years in outpatient rehab, I have learned a few things along the way. To start, I have learned that when treating patients, you have to treat the cause of the dysfunction and not just the presenting symptoms. During your patient evaluation, if you do not identify the cause and only treat the symptoms, you will achieve temporary relief, but you will not in most cases be able to resolve the dysfunction.

Our Philosophy >>

Our Services

Home Physical Therapy, Body Maintenance, Annual Physical Therapy Physical, Functional Training, and Sports Performance.

Our Services >>


Patient Testimonials

Check out our happy customers. Dr. Rice has a track record of 20 years of successful patient treatment.